Prop Max Normal

The prop max normal propagation is activated either by selecting the Prop Max Normal item of the Network Menu or by pressing the corresponding button in the Run Mode Tool Bar (see Figure 1). If you are using auto propagation, you can specify HUGIN to use this propagation method.

The prop max normal propagation method can be used in HUGIN networks (Bayesian networks, influence diagrams, or object-oriented networks) containing only discrete chance nodes to find states belonging to the most probable configuration (a configuration is a list of states (a1, a2,…, an) of the list of all nodes in the network (A1, A2,…, An)).

If a state of a node belongs to the most probable configuration it is given the value 100. All other states are given the relative value of the probability of the most probable configuration they are found in compared to the most probable configuration. That is, assume a node N has two states a and b, and b belongs to the most probable configuration of the entire network which has the probability 0.002. Then, b is given the value 100. Now, assume that the most probable configuration which a belongs to has probability 0.0012. Then, a is given the value 60.

The prop max normal button which is found in the network window Tool Bar in Run Mode is shown in Figure 1.


Figure 1: The prop max normal button from the Run Mode Tool Bar.