Network Attributes¶
A set of Network Attributes for the model can be defined in the Network Properties Attributes tab (see Figure 1). An Attribute is a key-value pair defining a variable’s name and its value. The Network Attributes defined in this panel are completely ignored by the HUGIN GUI1. The Attributes can however be accessed using the HUGIN API, which enables the GUI User to pass parameters to a user program from within the model. This is useful for wiring a user program with a model when for instance a node’s state must be mapped to a traffic light’s red, amber or green lights. To add a new Attribute, write a name in the name bar (shown inside the “List of Attributes” frame) and click ‘Add’. Attribute descriptions can be associated with an attribute name only after creation.
Figure 1: The Network Properties dialog box showing the Network Attributes tab.
Attributes can also be defined on nodes. See Node Attributes.