Release 9.5

Feb 5, 2024: New Release – HUGIN 9.5

The main new features of HUGIN software in version 9.5 are related to improving the user experience on both Windows and Mac Operating Systems. Several new features have been added to both the HUGIN Graphical User Interface and HUGIN Decision Engine as specified below.

HUGIN Graphical User Interface v.9.5

The HUGIN Graphical User Interface has been improved with various new features. These include:

  • The Learning Wizard supports learning a Tree-Augmented Naïve Bayes Model with one discrete target node and continuous features.

  • The algorithm for supervised discretization using the maximum entropy principle has been improved

  • In the DataFrame it is possible to compute the probability of an interval of a CG node

  • In the DataFrame it is possible to refer to a state by index in some places

  • The States Generator supports both linear and exponential scales

  • The States Generator supports copying state values to state labels even for nodes that already have a label

  • It is easier to resize the monitor window in Run-Mode

  • Double-click on a monitor window resizes the window to show all states

  • It is possible to specify the number of decimals shown for the states of an interval node in Table View

  • Export Beliefs supports scientific notation

  • Several dropdown menus with node or class names are now sorted

  • It is possible to reset the distribution of a CG node in the EM Learning Wizard

  • Other minor improvements

Finally, work has been done to improve the user experience of the HUGIN Graphical User Interface.

HUGIN Decision Engine v.9.5

  • The HUGIN Decision Engine has been extended with the following features:

  • The HUGIN Decision Engine supports discretization using data

  • The HUGIN Decision Engine supports computing quantiles of numeric nodes