
The cut function is activated either by selecting the Cut item of the Edit Menu or by pressing the cut tool button (see Figure 1) of the Main Window Tool Bar.


Figure 1: The cut tool button from the Main Window Tool Bar.

The cut function can only be activated in edit mode and when one or more nodes or causal links are selected in the Network Pane.

The selected sub-network will be deleted from the Network Pane and copied to the clipboard when the cut function is activated. Then you can paste this sub-network to other open HUGIN networks or you can paste it in other applications having access to the clipboard.

When you cut a selected sub-network, all internal links in the sub-network are copied to the clipboard. Also links from external nodes to nodes within the selection are copied and can be restored when pasting. Links from nodes within the selection to external nodes, however, are not copied.

When pasting a sub-network from the clipboard, a link from an external node to a node within the sub-network is restored if the external node “exists” in the new network. Here, we say that a node “exists” if a node appears with the same node name as the external node in the original HUGIN network. The external node in the new network needs not have the same node label as the external node in the original network. If the external node does not “exist” in the new network, the link is not restored. This has impact on the conditional probability table of the node which the link pointed to and one should reconstruct it.